物理系LunchSeminar Haldane model and its realization in cold atoms

创建时间:  2016/11/25  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

题目: Haldane model and its realization in cold atoms
时间:2016年11月28日 (周一)11:45-13:00
地点: 校本部E106
报告摘要:As you know, Haldane shared 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics with Thouless and Kosterlitz. His one of important contribution is to propose so-called Haldane model, which was believed to be a toy model since the model is very difficult to be realized. Recently, such toy model has been experimentally realized in ultracold atomic gases. In this talk, I will introduce Haldane model and  disucss how it is realized in ultracold atoms.

上一条:数学系Seminar第1369期 关于迷向测度的Loomis-Whitney不等式

下一条:数学系Seminar第1367期 有限群的亚循环子群

物理系LunchSeminar Haldane model and its realization in cold atoms

创建时间:  2016/11/25  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

题目: Haldane model and its realization in cold atoms
时间:2016年11月28日 (周一)11:45-13:00
地点: 校本部E106
报告摘要:As you know, Haldane shared 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics with Thouless and Kosterlitz. His one of important contribution is to propose so-called Haldane model, which was believed to be a toy model since the model is very difficult to be realized. Recently, such toy model has been experimentally realized in ultracold atomic gases. In this talk, I will introduce Haldane model and  disucss how it is realized in ultracold atoms.

上一条:数学系Seminar第1369期 关于迷向测度的Loomis-Whitney不等式

下一条:数学系Seminar第1367期 有限群的亚循环子群